You can write this on a piece of paper OR on a Google Doc shared with me, but NO GOOGLE TRANSLATE, etc

Person"Looked For"Item"It/they cost"PricePerson "Bought" (it/them)In StoreWhen ("Signal Words")
Ilooked fora walletIt cost120 dollarsI bought itat the department storeyesterday
My friendlooked forsome shoesThey cost575 dollarsMy friend bought themat the shoe storelast week
My parentslooked for2 ringsThey cost2770 dollarsMy parents bought themat the jewelry store2 weeks ago
Welooked forsome braceletsThey cost715 dollarsWe bought themat the department store2 years ago
Youlooked fora tieIt cost100 dollarsYou bought itat the clothing storelast night
Y'alllooked forneclaces and chainsThey cost912 dollarsY'all bought themat the jewelry store3 hours ago
Juan and Ilooked for2 keychainsThey cost55 dollars(We) bought themat the department storeyesterday
Carloslooked forsunglassesThey cost234 dollarsHe bought themat the department store3 years ago.